Tuesday, July 27, 2021

The Foster Home

 On the drive to the foster home the lady explained that the foster family were Christians and members of the Assembly of God church and that she would be attending church with them.  She would have no possibility of running away as they would be watching her very carefully and she wouldn't know anyone or know the area. 

The girl groaned inside. Great. Wasn't that exactly what she wanted to escape from?

They pulled up to the house and went to the door.  A lady let them in. She was very nice. She led the teen downstairs to a room with a couch and a TV. 

"You can sit here and watch TV," she told the girl. 

The TV was on but she didn't pay any attention to it. She immediately fell asleep.  She was filthy dirty. Especially her feet from running without her shoes. She was exhausted. 

Suddenly, she was awoken by a man's voice. He was angry!  Great. Feels like home already.

"We don't watch these kind of programs in this house!!," he said angrily. 

She looked to the TV to see what the offensive show was.  Dallas. She had never watched that show before but I think everyone in the country at that time was concerned about who shot JR.

Suddenly, the lady was there and she said, "you must be exhausted.  Would you like to lay down awhile and sleep?"

The girl nodded. 

The lady led her back upstairs to a beautiful bedroom. The prettiest bedroom ever. The girl was very impressed and couldn't believe that she was going to have such a pretty room to sleep in.

She immediately fell into a deep sleep. 

She had no idea how long she had been asleep or how much time had passed since she had come into this home but the lady woke her up and said... "your grandmother is here to get you."

Her heart swelled. She almost showed emotion as she thought of her sweet grandmother.  The only person in the world that loves me, she often thought.  She loves me so much she drove for hours to come and get me. The girls heart flooded with emotion.  She wanted to cry at the thought that she was loved by someone.

The teen never, ever, forgot what her grandmother did for her. 

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