Thursday, July 29, 2021


  14 and 15

She was to meet with a counselor at the park. The teen was shocked to find that the counselor appeared to be just a few years old than the girl herself. 

The girl sat on one corner of a picnic table and the so called "counselor " stood near her.

"So, your mom says that she is having a lot of trouble out of you. What's going on?"

"I don't know," said the girl.

"What is making you act out?"

"I don't know."

"Every time you say "I don't know" I am going to smack your hand," counselor girl said. "Do you understand?"

The girl held out her hand and said.... "I don't know." And, counselor girl smacked her hand.

Counselor girl asked several more questions. The teen held out her hand and the counselor smacked it. 

In the end the teen won that little battle as the counselor grew weary of smacking her hand. And, she didn't have to "talk" to her again. 

Counselor number 2

Counselor number 2 knew her stuff. If the teen could have had time alone with her for awhile things may have turned out differently. This woman was a real counselor. 

The teen, her mother and her father sat in front of the desk as counselor number 2 asked simple questions. 

The teen never really spoke. She just sat and cried. Her father didn't really talk either, he just sat and cried too. But her mother was nowhere even close to crying. Her posture, words and attitude were all conveying not sadness but a coldness. Callous.  

The counselor said to her mother, "I see your daughter crying and her father crying but you are not.  Why is that?"

Her mother said, "Well, I have cried so many tears that I have no more left to cry."

We never went back to that counselor.  That was really unfortunate. 

Counselor number 3

This event changed EVERYTHING. 

The teen was taken to the church to have a counseling session with the pastor.

She was taken to a room where they were alone and the door was closed. 

He started talking about teen sex. 

"Two young bodys, glistening with sweat, thrusting and grinding until they explode in a climax that leaves them weak..." he said, speaking dreamily as if he was seeing it in his mind. 

The teen flushed as the blood rushed to her face. She felt heat run through her body. 

And, with the climax he was done with his "counseling" session. 

The teen walked out of the room thinking, wow....this sounds exciting! And, I have been accused of it for years!  Obviously other teens are doing this. She thought only married people did it!  She was so extremely naive and had no idea about the world around her. 

She left that room a different person. She determined that she was going to try this herself and see what it was all about. And she did. Soon after. 

Also soon after, it was found that the pastor had slept with a young woman who came as a visitor to the church after accepting her mother's invitation. Vicky. The mother of the two little girls the teen babysat. 

That pastor lost his license and a new pastor took over. 

His role in the teens life was even more damaging than the last pastor.

He was the one who introduced her mother to his nephew...who became her step-father...which took her to Baltimore and near starvation.

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