Thursday, September 3, 2020

I Don't


He took her to the front parlor, a small room that had a bunch of windows looking out onto the nasty Baltimore street.  

Will you marry me?, he asked.

The girl was shocked. Marry???  She was only 16!  

"I don't, " she started to say but he wouldn't let her finish. She was trying to say, I don't want to get married!  But he cut her off by grabbing her arm and saying, come on, we have to tell our moms!

He pulled her through the living room and into the kitchen where he excitedly told her mother, and his mother, that we were getting married.

The girls mother bounced in her chair clapping her hands and squealing with delight. The girl looked at his mother. Her mouth had dropped open and she sat there in shock and dismay. The teen echoed her sentiments.  

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