Thursday, September 9, 2021

Meeting Dad's Girlfriend

 Once back in Illinois she was taken to her dad's house where he was living with his girlfriend. 

She was excited. She new the girlfriend was just 6 years older than her.  She thought that they could be great friends. And she would see how other people lived. She could learn how to be like everyone else!  She could then fit in to society and people her age. She was so tired a people telling her that she was weird or that her family was weird.  She was going to learn how to be normal!!

She arrived to their house at dinner time. She sat directly across the table from the girlfriend. Her father was to her right. The girl studied the girlfriend. Just being curious. Wonderingwhat she was like. The girlfriend didn't say anything. 

The girlfriend ate salad. The teen and her father ate a hamburger. The girlfriend had Thousand Island on the table and dad was putting it on his hamburger. Strange!  The girl asked about it and was told it was Big Mac special sauce. Oh!!!  Yum! She learned something exciting and new.

They ate in total silence. The girl would look down at her plate and grab her burger, lift it to her mouth to take a bite and her gaze would naturally go to the person sitting directly opposite her. The girlfriend .

After dinner the girlfriend went to the kitchen to wash dishes. 

"Go wash the dishes for her," her father said.

The girl jumped up and walked into the kitchen. 

"Dad wants me to wash the dishes," the girl shyly said.

"I can wash the dishes myself!!," she responded. 

The girl walked out of the kitchen and back into the dining room.

"I said, go wash the dishes for her!" her father said.

She turned and took 2 steps back into the kitchen.

"Dad said...

"NO!! She snapped.

Two steps back to the dining room.


Two steps back to the kitchen.   

"I'm finished," said the girlfriend.

This entire scene unfolded two nights in a row. Each night no one talked. She ate salad. The girl and her father ate a hamburger. A struggle ensued over the dishes. Afterwards, just silence.

The third night. The girl bit into her hamburger and her gaze drifted up toward the girlfriend who never lifted her head to look toward her while she ate. 

All of a sudden the girlfriend jumps up screaming!

"She's staring at me!!!!  She hates me!!!!!"

The girl ran through her dad's bedroom to get to the only bathroom in the house, ran in, slammed the door and squatted up on top of the toilet seat trying to make herself small. Small enough hopefully that she would disappear.  

The door literally ripped off the hinge and there stood the girlfriend still screaming "she hates me, she hates me!!!"

Her father was right behind her gently pulling her back..."now, now, she doesn't hate you."

The best friends idea faded away from the teens mind. Nope. She was still a friendless outcast wanted by NO ONE 

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