Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Where Is He?

 The girl heard a knock at the door there at the row house they lived in. She, 16 and very pregnant, went to answer the door at night by herself. 

She turned the knob and the door pushed open. Long sharp fingernails dug into her arm as she was pushed back against the wall. 

It was the mother of her step-father's son. She was a prostitute and often her only clothing was just a bed sheet wrapped around her. She was a big girl. Very pretty but very large frame and stature. She had her "boyfriend"(?) with her.

Where is my son, she demanded. The girl froze, speechless. 

"Let her have him" came a voice from the top of the steps. The step-father. The boy came down the stairs and out the door they went out into the night.

This boy had the saddest life of anyone.  

The Games Children Play

 The girl, due to being close to giving birth, didn't go outdoors to play...but her little brother did. He didn't tell at that time what the neighborhood kids played there in the inner city of Baltimore. But eventually he did tell. He told his big sister. 

There were, and I'm certain still are, rats the size of cats in Baltimore city. You can see them in the middle of the day in the street. 

The kids played a game where they threw things at them and scored points for hitting one. 

He was pretty young when he joined in this game but as an adult he is sickened that this is what he did as a child to have something to do in the summer that he spent in Baltimore. His sister wanted to cry hearing this. 

What was his mother doing while he played with rats?